
EDIT THIS DESIGN Uploaded on May 17, 2016

Daywatch by Time Origin



This is a better way to tell time! 

Time is not a few hands on a scale, time is an amount!

All present watches display the point of time, but time is as an amount: the amount of ‘space’ you have left, on a day, a year…a lifetime.. time as a valuable space that passes by. Time is life..

Daywatch, watches with emotion that also represent a lifestyle. A watch that not just tells the time on a day, it tells all about the day (Daywatch). This new way of looking at time creates new opportunities for innovative design basically different from any other watch or clock design ever seen.

Philosophy and concept

Ever since the first human being living on this planet, the day movement is the clearest indication for the passing of time. At sunrise the human being starts his activities. With the climbing of the sun the day moves at a quick rate, and when it goes down human activities slowly stop.
It’s time now for eating and relaxation. The dark side of the earth goes to sleep and only artificial light is left to replace the sun. Every organism has to adapt and synchronize with external time movements, the changes during the day and night, summer and winter.
That is why almost every organism has developed his own biological clock. These mechanisms decide when plants flower, when birds move to the south. They also control the cycle of sleeping and wake of the human being.
This indication of time closely connected with the movements in the sky above us and the movement of our planet are reflected in Time Origin clock and watch concepts. Time Origin concepts portray a natural passage of day and night,  it is about showing time and activities related to the natural day and night rhythm.

This concept has the potential to change the way we currently display time, worldwide. It is my strong believe that introduction of the concept will result in a breakthrough in the present (i) watch/clock making industry.
The unique concept starts from a natural perspective and represents fascinating new ideas regarding design, functionality, technology and communication. With this concept watchmakers get the attention of the whole world and they can extend their target group enormous; Smart watch lovers that still love the emotion of a nice watch.

Fnd out:


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2016-05-18 15:51:17
I like back to time origin.